Kitchen Spruce-Up

It’s my birthday, YAY! 🙂

What better way to celebrate than with a kitchen spruce-up? I’ve talked about my limited space (hence the name of the blog), but haven’t showed any pictures—yet!

Here’s the before:

Not bad, but I wanted to incorporate some space-enhancing items. After browsing through an IKEA catalog, I started getting some ideas, not just for my kitchen, but also for my bathroom (that might be a future post). So, with the idea of a kitchen and bathroom redo in my head, I decided to make the trek to Montreal (the closest location) to visit IKEA and get some goodies! A few of the problems I wanted to solve: my silverware drawer was packed. I had my knives, cooking utensils, a drawer tray for my silverware, measuring spoons and cups, etc. It’s was just too much, so I wanted a way to increase the space in the drawer. Problem 2: Cookbooks and magazines. I have many of them and I was running out of room in my bookcase. Problem 3: Tool storage. I had some miscellaneous items stored in my lower cabinets with my pans. These included a sieve, potato masher and whisk. Any time I took something out of there, everything started to tumble out of the cabinet. Problem 4: Food storage. I don’t have much counter space, so when I purchase non-refrigerated produce, I usually have to store it on top of my microwave.

Solution 1: Knife storage: I purchased a magnetic knife rack which we attached to my upper cabinet. Not only do I have a place for my knives, but also my cookbook holder!

Solution 2, 3 and 4: Cookbook, Tool and Food Storage: I purchased a shelf and magazine boxes; a hanging rod, hanging storage containers and S hooks. On the wall above my dish rack, we installed all these items. Currently in the rectangular container I have an onion. I don’t have all my magazines and cookbooks because this shelf only holds 30 pounds, but I’m really happy with how everything is set-up. One thing that helps cut down on my magazine storage is when I have time to sit down and go through them, I cut out only the recipes that sound good to me and put them in a binder, then recycle the magazine. These are my current 2012 magazines which I need to go through when time allows.

It’s not much, but it’s quite an improvement. I’m sure as I start living with it, I’ll make changes. But for now, I’m the happiest little birthday girl in the world! 🙂

BIG thanks to my dad for his help installing everything!

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